Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Marble Machines as Mechanical Computing Machines

We have been investigating mechanical computing machines during Inventors Club this fall. So natural we wanted to build our own.

Our Explorers group in the morning were working in teams to make a marble machine that would guide a marble from the top corner to the bottom corner of the board. The marble machine got more interesting when the students added circuits into their machines. When the marbles arrived  at the end of their journey they completed a circuit, announcing to the world that their journey was complete.
I wonder... Teamwork Final touches Too Steep? Tinkering Close inspection Untitled Circuit Testing Does it work?

Afternoon Inventors were also working on the Computing Machines. Their goal was a little more intricate. They were challenged to develop a machine that would count the number of marbles put into the system or do something after 5 marbles were added to the machine.
Looking at an example Circuit Inspection Go team! Engineering consult Duct tape can fix any problem

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