Friday, May 30, 2014

LEGO Robotics: Spring Wrap Up

The Spring session of the LEGO Robotics workshop was a great success. Both the morning and afternoon classes produced some excellent robots.

A couple of our robots were playing a game of golf, but they were trying to only hit the red ball. The robot approaches the ball on the stand and if the ball was blue it would back away, if it was red it would hit the ball.
Blue Ball Inspection
  Red Ball Test
Programming robots is fun!
Coding is fun!

This robot is easily startled. When he rolls over the pressure pad, it completes a circuit setting off a buzzer. Whenever the robot hears a loud sound it swings into reverse.
This robot controls a red light and green light by driving over pressure pad switches!

 The afternoon workshop focused on the theme of Artbot or Arcadebot. The robots either created art in a visual or auditory form or the robots were designed to play some sort of game. A lot of the students found interesting robots on the internet and found ways to modify and improve on them.

A selection of  Arcadebots:

Remote Controller grabber

A customized robot controlled via bluetooth

A ball shooter

 The Artbots:

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